Go Reddies!

Finally, I have some personal good news to report. As you may or may not know, I attended Henderson State University but did not complete all my hours to earn my B.S. degree. I did manage to “lock in” my hours by graduating with my...

Empty Nest

I spent a great deal of Saturday teary-eyed. I was going through old photos and working on scanning and sorting, reading the kids school journals from grade school and it totally depressed me. They were such cute kids. Don’t get me wrong, they got on...

Get A Light – On the Rocks

Many years ago I worked for an attorney in Sevier County. I was young and naive. Raised in a church oriented family (my dad was a preacher), I had very little actual knowledge of the world. We didn’t have television and the only “news” I...


You have to love yourself before you can love others.

Silent Killer

I was 12 years old when my Grandma Hobbs died. I don’t remember a lot about her, but she was kind of fat and soft when you hugged her and not so tall. One day she fell down the back door steps and broke her...

Dear God…

Raylee and Tia were small when we lived on Summer street. They were both still small enough to believe everything they were told. We had a white refrigerator with several decorative magnets stuck to the surface. One evening as I was getting ready to fix...


Nancy was only 3-years old when our family moved to De Queen, AR. Prior to that, we had lived in Sharp County, a rural area that was farming country and primarily white population almost 30 years ago. Our move to De Queen was, for the...

Don’t Cut It Off

Sixth grade was an awkward time for me. I wasn’t pretty, popular or athletic; but had somehow gotten the “smart” label. In actuality I was just an average child with average grades who liked to read and write. My sixth grade teacher at Cave City...


I received this and it says a lot about the way I think also. *All the politicians running for president are promising change to the American people. We send them billions and billions of tax dollars and they send us the change. Funny? Not really;...

Purple, Green and Yellow Face

In the 4th grade I was somewhat of a jump rope champion among my friends. We would jump rope every day during recess. Most of the time we switched off jumping and turning the rope while chanting rhymes that dictated the style of the jump....

4th Grade Prank

Even though I was a model child, I occasionally got into trouble. Not so much trouble at home since I was afraid of the consequences, but I did manage to be quite mischievous at school. One of my favorite grades was 4th grade. Mr. Goodwin...

Never Call an Ambulance!

My family was thrifty as I was growing up. My mom made the majority of the clothes for my sisters and I. We “saved” the milk for the baby, had a large garden to supplement the groceries and went to the doctor only as a...

Prayers of Children

Driving well has never been one of my strong points. Clearly God has watched over me many times while on the road. When Nancy was small, I would take her with me all the time. One day we were driving around and I took her...


As a child I loved Barbie dolls and all the paraphenilia that came along with them. My parents purchased dolls, houses, cars, vans and my mom made tons of barbie clothes each year for Christmas. I could play with them for hours on end. Eventually,...

You Ran Into What?

I was around 9 years old when my Mom had a fireworks stand out in front of our house. I don’t remember much about the stand but after it was all said and done, I got a brand new bicycle. It was purple, had a...