There’s Only One

Several years ago I applied for a job at Church of the Rock in Little Rock, AR. It was a nice job with good pay and benefits. In addition, many of the employees were “Christians” and would be more pleasant to work around. One of...

Raining on the Inside

It’s raining outside. For some reason today, the rain has made me think of an old Amy Grant song that I used to spend hours playing on the piano –it always sounded melancholy to me and fits my mood today perfectly. “Raining On The Inside”...


A few months after Toby and I moved into our house on Dollie Street, Toby decided that we should cut down all the pine trees in the yard. We had a company come in an cut most of the pine, but there were a few...

Special Memories

Raylee was often in trouble at school for fighting. Some days I dreaded for the phone to ring knowing it was yet another call from a teacher. He wasn’t a bad boy. Quite the contrary, he was usually fighting because the other students were picking...

Squirrel Food

When the children were in kindergarten and first grade, we lived in a small community outside Little Rock, AR. It was a country type setting and we often enjoyed the birds and squirrels. On our front porch we had the feeder and many squirrels happily...

The Bloody Knife

To my knowledge, the first home my parents purchased was in Cave City, Arkansas. It was a grey rock home that they put a lot of love and care into. We must have moved into that house around 1973. One day, mom was outside her...

High Heels

I remember my first pair of “high” heel shoes. They were Candies way back before Candie was a big name in the industry. I didn’t get them until I was 16 as my parents had a 16-year old rule for everything from shaving legs to...