As usual my Thanksgiving was spent with just the hubby and I. For years, our children have spent Thanksgiving week with my parents camping in north Arkansas. This came about due to jobs and our kids not getting to spend as much time with my folks as we all would have liked.

When they were small this wasn’t so bad. It was a needed break from the day to day toiling. Now, they aren’t so small and take care of themselves, I kind of wished they were with me to spend the day. I realize now their days at home are precious and maybe I’ve squandered them with my own selfishness.

Thanksgiving this year was a time of reflection. As I grow older, I am learning time doesn’t last forever. So this year, I’m thankful for my home (we almost lost it this year), I’m thankful we all have good health and food on the table. Most of all, I am thankful for knowing I have a great family whom I love and cherish.