Christmas Magic

As a child Christmas was a magic time. Even though we didn’t have much money, our parents would always make sure there were gifts under the tree that we wanted although we didn’t know which gifts they choose for us. Every year around Christmas time...

Bah Humbug!

Every year I think about writing one of those hokey Christmas newsletters.Every year I start it off with the first few sentences and then quit.All the other Christmas newsletters I read have so much good news like Sally made all A’s, Dean got full paid...

Off To the Principal’s Office

In the late seventies Cave City school system had two classification levels. Kindergarten through sixth grade was elementary school and seventh through twelfth was high school. Study hall was a class that was offered in each of the grades. Consequently, a seventh grade student might...

What You Say?

When I was in my mid-teens we lived in De Queen, Arkansas. A small town without many touristy sites. One weekend family friends came to visit and since there were not many sights to see, my parents decided we would all drive into Oklahoma for...

The Gas Tank

Finally, we have bitten the bullet and taken on a car payment for a gently worn car. Of course, it’s not cute, red or convertible (which would probably just scream how old I am seeing as how I couldn’t possibly have afforded something like that...

Today I….

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted. Summer just doesn’t lend itself to blogging and thought processing. I thought I’d start off simple. Today, I…. had a difficult time waking but got up and got ready anyhow. spent time with my daughter while driving...

I’m Gonna Die!

When our children were about 4 years old, I worked in downtown Little Rock and parked in a parking garage. Due to some increased crime in that area, I carried pepper spray on my keyring. Toby had tried to get me to carry a small...

Real Vanilla Flavor – No-bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

I love vanilla. I buy vanilla lotions, perfumes, candles. I love to cook with vanilla, putting it in my pancakes, coffee, hot chocolate and other things. Tonight, while making No-Bake Cookies, I put in my teaspoon of vanilla and decided to taste a teaspoon full....


By Nithya Shanti A story that could inspire you for the rest of your life…Several times my daughter had telephoned to say,”Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over.”I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to...

Innocent Heart Murmurs

In keeping with my rock pile post…. Tia was about 4 years old when we had taken her in for a regular check-up. Dr. Cenac, our pediatrician, checked her out and then told us that she had a small heart murmur. He went on to...

You Love Him More!

My sister and I always accused our parents of loving Nancy more than they loved us. She got away with more stuff, had more privileges and was generally spoiled. Of course, as an adult with children of my own I realize that they probably didn’t...

My Rock Pile

A new year. It’s really hard to believe. 2008 passed by so quickly. Something I tend to do near the beginning of every year is to review my rock pile. It has a lot of rocks in it and each one means something special to...

Christmas 2008

Well,my husband put our tree up the Sunday before Christmas. Better late than never. After he got it started, I helped. Not as much stuff as usual under it but I did manage to get a few treasured items hung on the tree. Here’s photo...

Merry Christmas & Bah Humbug!

Christmas is here again. Each year it gets here faster and faster. This Christmas is slightly better than last Christmas in one aspect and lots worse in others. Hard to be happy and count your blessings, enjoy the season and remember the reason when you...


I haven’t had time to post nor have I had the inclination. I have so much to say and don’t feel free to say it here now; but I will as soon as I am able.Have you ever had something happen to you that was...