I’ve been walking around our circle (the pedometer kind of motivates me) and I’ve been taking Daisy with me. She doesn’t walk. The entire time out she is at a dead run. Unfortunately for her the leash doesn’t go very far so she’s either straining to get ahead or looking at me like I’m really slow. After a couple of days she finally figured out that instead of trying to run ahead she can run continuously by zigzagging. It’s really quite funny to watch.
We’ve taught her to do a few tricks. She can speak, dance, shake hands and lay down. The problem is that she has learned that unless she smells a treat — no trick. The one thing you can trick her with is by getting her coat out. She knows the coat means she gets to go someplace. She will stand up and let me put her coat on and then go sit by the door until I leave…even if I’m not going anywhere. She’ll sit for sometime before she will come to me and start doing all her tricks without any prompts.

Nothing important today…just a little insight into my world…. Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
I'd like to say I was somebody special; however, I'm just a regular person with a regular life. I have all the same hopes, fears, and dreams as other people.