There are so many things I hope to be able to talk about on this blog site. I started it in an effort to preserve memories I have of my children, family and friends. That is still my main goal. However, I also hope to use it to entertain, encourage and critique my own self. If that ends up entertaining and encouraging others, then I will be satisfied.
I am living life more simply now. Don’t get me wrong: there are bills to pay, obligations to keep, choices that have to be made. But overall, a lot of things have been cut out of my life. There is no longer room in my life for drama. The people who cause drama don’t get to talk to me anymore. I am slowly getting rid of things in my life that cause me stress and I’m trying to adjust to being who I really am instead of the person I think it was expected that I be. Good, bad, or ugly. Just me. Some things really really don’t matter. Make a list of things in your life. Number them in order of importance and the last one, just scratch off. Over time you will find out who you are and leave behind who you thought you had to be.