Christmas is here again. Each year it gets here faster and faster. This Christmas is slightly better than last Christmas in one aspect and lots worse in others. Hard to be happy and count your blessings, enjoy the season and remember the reason when you have a dark cloud hanging over your head.

I love Christmas decorations. This year all mine are still in the box. The tree is in the box, the village, all the cute things my kids made over the years, all of it. I’ve yet to purchase one present or even cash my Christmas bonus so I can do so. I have not purchased one item of food for our dinner, prepared any holiday treats or even worn any of my Christmas sweaters.

On the other hand, I’ve copied 4 reams of paper worth of files for the men in black, managed to pay the majority of the bills I have due this month, worn my brakes down to the rotors so I can be embarrassed while driving around, and completed one more project inside my house.

On the plus side, I still have my job, my husband is working, my children are healthy, we have food to eat, electricity and water to use and so far the rocks aren’t crying out.

It could be worse. It could be better. Merry Christmas. Bah humbug. Happy Holidays. It’s Christmas and we’re all in misery. God bless us everyone. And to all a good night!