The Closet

Agnes Elizabeth Franks Powell Peebles. 1902-1979. She is standing on the far right at my mother and father’s wedding. Grandma Peebles. In actuality, she was my great-grandmother. Each year I spent time at Grandma Peebles’ house. It wasn’t a very big house. A rectangular shaped...

Blue Eyes Smiling

She was such a small child, feisty and barely big enough to play in her walker. Yet, play she did. Bouncing up and down and making cute baby sounds. Huge cornflower blue eyes would crinkle up in smiles or brighten with shiny tears as the...

veggie medley

Vegetable Medley Recipe

Eating the fresh produce from our garden is hard work, but somebody has to do it.  This year we planted plenty and we are already reaping goodies.  Thus far I’ve picked strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. I’ve also gotten some squash and zucchini.  There’s not many...

large black snake


A few weeks ago Toby walked outside and was greeted by a small piece of God’s glory.  He asked me to come out to share in God’s glory.  After looking, I decided to take a picture to share with others and find out exactly what...

Homemade Lasagna–Mother’s Day 2012

Mother’s Day 2012—I never really considered being a mother. I thought about children, saw them in my mind’s eye along with my house and picket fence but I did not think about what having them entailed. It never occurred to me that I could love...

Meeting Mara

The Garland County Library’s Great Arkansas Read summer reading program hosted a viewing of Paradise Lost:  The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills.  After the movie/documentary, Mara Leveritt, author of ‘Devil’s Knot’ spoke about the book, the Paradise Lost movies and the West Memphis Three...

Diary of a Potato Farmer – 2012

Potato Patch Love Daisies. Purple Queen-I thought it was pretty These are pretty.  Next time I will group together I’ve been lax in getting my potato garden diary posted this year.  The past couple of years we tried the trash can potatoes and the garbage...

Linda Edwards

Who Killed Linda Edwards?

Many of you have asked or heard about Toby’s mom. I started writing a fiction piece sometime ago based on his and her stories…..Feel free to leave any constructive criticism. You can view the actual facts of the case that he has on his site....

Automatically Challenged.

Yesterday I attended a continuing education class for my work that was hosted at a local hotel.  As with most continuing education classes, you take away some good and have trouble keeping your eyes open during the rest of the class.  The class was slated...

holy roller

Hey, Holy Roller

There are many memories I have of being the only Pentecostal in public school in the eighties.  It was one thing attending school where I had grown up and already knew everybody and already answered all the “big” questions.  You know the ones, “Why are ...

looking back

In Retrospect…

Looking back at the year 2011 clearly presents an argument for the old saying “hindsight is 20/20.” There were some things I wish I had reacted to differently and others that couldn’t have played out any better. It was a short year, of course, since...

stand for truth

Stand For Truth – by Toby Edwards 10/12/2011

Stand for truth through lies and misconceptions Stand for truth through slander and deceptions Stand for truth when all ails Stand for truth when all else fails Stand for truth and by his hand truth will guide you Stand for truth and in the end...

Not a Twit…

The sky looks angry.  I’m new to Twitter and am trying to learn to update from my smart phone.  There are days when I think my phone is smarter than I am–most days in fact.  The sky looks angry was my first attempt at tweeting...

my dad

Happy Father’s Day

There are things I learned from my dad that I didn’t even know I’d learned until I was much older. He was my dad. He was usually gone when I got up and after supper he was relaxing and we were leaving him alone to...

phoebe runs

Running In Circles

Phoebe Running on Friends episode. Have you ever noticed how runners on the Olympics and in track meets look so lean and in-sync? The arms and legs pumping rhythmically, torsos slightly bent, nostrils flaring as they breathe in and their mouths slightly parted on the...