KATV local news is the only local news station that we watch regularly. We’ve seen lots of change over the years, newbies that have done well and moved on, newbies that have disappeared off the radar and then those newbies that have become our friends. I don’t mean our personal friends that we know and love and spend time with but our TV friends.

Anne was one of our “TV friends” by virtue of having been a newbie and survived. She started out with the fun stuff on-site commentary and eventually moved into main stream news reporting as an anchor. She had a lovely smile and a lot of enthusiasm. A week ago Saturday we watched her interview about being chosen for a bit part in the movie “W” and how excited she was to have been able to participate. A few days later we heard that she had been brutally attacked in her home.

Like all of Arkansas, we watched and listened to hear of her recovery and the apprehension of her attacker. Today, I found out that she was unable to recover and her life has ended. My heart goes out to her mother, who found her and to the rest of her family and friends who are grieving for her today.

May God be with you all.