Yesterday I attended a continuing education class for my work that was hosted at a local hotel. As with most continuing education classes, you take away some good and have trouble keeping your eyes open during the rest of the class. The class was slated to run from 9 AM until 5 PM with breaks and lunch in the interim.
During the afternoon break, several of the women, including myself, headed to the ladies room. As I came out of the stall, three or four of the ladies were chatting near the sinks. I walked around them and stepped up to the sink, waved my hands under the soap dispenser and had soap squirt out in my hands. I then waved my hands under the faucet, starting the water while I washed my hands.
After washing my hands, I turned to get paper towels for drying, I looked at the towel dispenser and did not see a lever or handle, since the other items were automatic, I thought that the towel dispenser was also. I waved my hands in front of it, beneath it, up and down both sides. No towels came out. My hands were almost dry from all the waving and I had decided to forget the towels, maybe the machine was empty.
Before I could fully step away, one of the ladies stepped up to the dispenser and pushed the entire front down twice, dispensing towels into my hand. Thanking her, I quickly left. Boy, was my face red!
I feel that this short story was well put together and in need of no improvement. I like the structure and the format of the reading. The story had a continuous graceful flow which made the story even more of a good read.
Thank you. Did you consider the structure was telling as opposed to showing? Does this piece fit into the story category or is it an antidote? Think about what you’re reading.
This pulled laughter from deep down! Love this. Glad I’m not alone. Being pre-occupied with a greater task sometimes makes simple tasks a giant puzzle. One moves from automatic to stumped and distracted. It confirms automatic is contagious until there is a snag; however,this is written with serious and sincere attitude with a reasonable and hilarious outcome tucked with a tad of emotion. This has a much deeper meaning.