We’ve not been running the central heat and air for at least a month. While it has been a little warm in the afternoons, the mornings have been downright chilly. Our daughter told me the other day that she would like a heater in her room. I just laughed and told her it would be soon enough that the heat would be on and the windows all closed.

That reminded me of our house when I was a kid. We didn’t have central heat or air — just fans. We did have a window unit that Mom would turn on in the heat of the summer on the weekends while Dad was home all day. They hung a big blanket over the hall way door so all the air would stay in the front room. During the winters we heated with a wood stove. Getting out of bed during the mornings was tough. Nothing wakes you up like a cold blast of air! We had so many covers on our bed creating a cozy warm spot. I used to lay so still because if you moved the sheets were cold.

Our kids are spoiled. We made them that way. I’m finding I enjoy giving them a little taste of what life used to be before modern conveniences arrived. Someday they will appreciate it. 🙂