My husband is a big prankster and tease. He’s gotten me many, many times during the past 18 years. One thing he done almost every night while we watch TV is to grap my nose and pinch it shut. Invariably, I would try to push him away while yelling “STOP, I can’t breathe.” Always, he laughed and laughed.

A few months ago we were going through the same routine. Me, gasping for breathe while he laughs. Finally, he told me I could breathe because my mouth was open. DUH! Ok, granted I’m not always the brightest bulb in the house but even I should have figured that one out!

Not to be deterred, he waited a bit before trying it again. HA – he’s not going to get me with that old trick. It took me a few seconds, but I managed to breathe AND push his hand off my nose!

I am truly blessed to be able to laugh at myself! ENJOY!