I’m tired–tired of always taking the high road and doing the right thing.
I’m tired. Just plain tired.

I’m tired of playing devil’s advocate and trying to view all sides of the issue.
I’m tired of being the parent, the mediator, the adult.
Tired. Just plain tired.

I’m tired of being the cook; nobody likes the food anyway.
I’m tired of waking up everyday only to find that nothing has changed.
I’m tired of struggling to make ends meet.
Tired. Just plain tired.

Tired of the rat race.
Tired of running as fast as I can and getting no where fast.
I’m tired of going around in circles.
Tired of looking for the answers that aren’t right when I find them.
Tired. Just plain tired.

Tired of doing the same thing every day; day after day after day.
Tired of not being able to do what I want to do without constant interruptions.
So very tired of being whom I’m expected to be instead of just being myself.
I’m tired of doing and its never enough.
I’m tired of trying to just be.
Tired. Just plain tired.

I’m tired of living but too lazy to die.